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Best Time To Buy Gold And Silver is Now! – David Brady

Best Time To Buy Gold And Silver is Now! – David Brady

The best time to buy gold and silver is now, according to, #GlobalProTrader​ David Brady who is Dave Russell’s guest on the latest episode of GoldCore TV.   David shares with us his thoughts about gold as a hedge against inflation and as a hedge against the dollar. Using his personal trading methodology FIPESTxM, he discusses […]

Max Keiser – Why is Gold in Bitcoin’s Shadow?

I was delighted to have the opportunity to be interviewed by Max Keiser of The Keiser Report and talk about what’s going on with gold, silver and bitcoin prices so far in 2021. With gold and silver prices dropping while bitcoin rallies, we discuss what impact higher yields will now have on asset markets. We […]
Silver Squeeze – Buy Silver Not Conspiracy Theories!

Silver Squeeze – Buy Silver Not Conspiracy Theories!

In today’s video we’re talking about the silver squeeze with Miguel Perez-Santalla, the Head of Trading and Sales at Heraeus Metals, one of the worlds largest silver refining operations. Miguel published an article recently in which he expresses concern about some conspiracy theories circulating on the web with respect to the silver market. The #silversqueeze​ […]
Jim Rogers – Why I am Buying More Gold & Silver in 2021

Jim Rogers – Why I am Buying More Gold & Silver in 2021

In this video, legendary investor Jim Rogers tells us why he is buying more gold & silver in 2021. He warns about the effect that enormous money printing is having on financial asset prices. Consequently, he recommends that everyone should buy gold and silver as an insurance policy. Jim recommends that the best way to […]
[GoldCore TV] Gold & Silver Charts Point to Higher Prices – Chris Vermeulen

[GoldCore TV] Gold & Silver Charts Point to Higher Prices – Chris Vermeulen

Chris Vermeulen of joins Dave Russell of GoldCore TV. Chris discusses the chart patterns that the long term gold and silver charts are presenting and what he believe that this means for gold, silver and platinum for 2021. Chris is an expert technical analyst and also understands the fundamentals of the precious metals markets […]
[Chartwatch] Long Term Gold/US Dollar Cycles Show Big Trends for Metals – Part 1

[Chartwatch] Long Term Gold/US Dollar Cycles Show Big Trends for Metals – Part 1

This months Chartwatch features an article that has been reproduced with the kind permission of Chris Vermeulen of Chris will be a guest on GoldCore TV in the New Year and this article will serve as a great introduction to Chris’s work in technical analysis… Over the past few months, my research team and […]