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When Ignorance Is a Central Banker’s Only Defence

When Ignorance Is a Central Banker’s Only Defence

To invest in gold and silver is to invest outside of the system. When you buy gold bars or silver coins you are choosing to hold assets that can protect other assets in your portfolio from the poor actions taken by counterparties. For example: money printing by central banks, inflationary government policies, mismanagement of a […]

[Video] Gregory Mannarino Gold and Silver Price Action

Gregory Mannarino Gold and Silver Price Action Gregory Mannarino, aka The Robin Hood of Wall Street, joins Dave Russell on GoldCore TV. This is our first time welcoming Gregory onto the show and it was great to have him on. His YouTube channel has amassed a whopping 78 million views and we think that’s probably […]
Rick Rule –  Gold Helps Me Sleep at Night

Rick Rule – Gold Helps Me Sleep at Night

“The US dollar’s strength isn’t so much a function of the strength of the US economy or US political leadership, but rather, the fact that we’re competing in a horse race against a bunch of other horses that are completely lame.”  Rick Rule – Rule Investment Media The former President and CEO of Sprott, was […]
Why we couldn’t be happier that gold is boring

Why we couldn’t be happier that gold is boring

We’re the first to admit that investing in gold can be pretty boring. Don’t get us wrong, when you first decide to buy gold then the newness of it is exciting, as you choose which gold bullion dealer to use then it is interesting and when you actually see the gold bars or coins appear […]
Episode 2 of The M3 report with Marc Faber

Episode 2 of The M3 report with Marc Faber

Inflation! Trading Places! Marc Faber! Chart Watch! That’s right, it’s episode two of The M3 Report.  It is finally here, what a great way to set you up for the week ahead. Subscribe here if you’re not already receiving alerts.  Click Here to Watch It Now Our maiden episode was a huge success, and we have […]
Jim Rickards – Don’t Trust the Fed’s Narrative

Jim Rickards – Don’t Trust the Fed’s Narrative

“Don’t underestimate the power of a narrative” says our guest on GoldCore TV this week. Jim Rickards joins Dave Russell to talk about perception, the Putin Price Hike and why he believes Ukraine cannot win the war. If you enjoyed the interview, look out for our new look GoldCore TV show, The M3 Report, when […]
[Video] It’s here! Jim Rickards on The M3 Report – Episode 1 is Live Now

[Video] It’s here! Jim Rickards on The M3 Report – Episode 1 is Live Now

Jim Rickards! Chart analysis! The Wizard of Oz! What on earth are we talking about? Our brand new show, The M3 Report! Click Here to Watch It Now Today we are launching The M3 Report. Tune in for all things Metals, Markets and Money. With all the best bits of previous GoldCore TV offerings we now […]
When Gold is just Gold: Is Russian Gold Back in Favour?

When Gold is just Gold: Is Russian Gold Back in Favour?

It’s been an interesting week so far in the world of gold prices and central banks making use of their gold reserves. For those asking if they should buy gold, two events this week provide further arguments on the benefits of holding the precious metal.  There is little doubt that central banks, notably the U.S. […]
How Long Will Inflation Last 2022 – Charles Nenner

How Long Will Inflation Last 2022 – Charles Nenner

What if we told you that you could predict the future? For today’s guest, this is certainly the case when it comes to future market events. He hasn’t got a crystal ball, instead, he has nearly 300 years of historical analysis and models that have led him to the conclusion that markets operate in clear, […]
Hold Gold As It All Boils Down to Counterparty Risk

Hold Gold As It All Boils Down to Counterparty Risk

When investors choose to buy gold bullion or invest in silver bars they are doing so because they wish to reduce their portfolio risk. One of those risks is counterparty risk. If you own shares, then you are exposed to the risk of company management making poor decisions, if you invest in property you are […]